Norfolk labor lawyer Deborah Waters quoted regarding International Longshoremen’s Association labor strike.
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The National Labor Relations Board overruled 50-year precedent by holding union dues check-off must continue even after a collective bargaining agreement expires.
In WKYC-TV, Inc., 359 NLRB No. 30 (2012), the board overruled its longstanding decision that, upon expiration of a collective bargaining agreement, the employer no longer has authority to deduct union dues from it employee’s paycheck. As of December 28, 2012, the reverse is true. The Board backtracked from its previous position largely because unions depend on dues to operate and stopping dues deduction provided a tactical advantage to an employer engaged in the collective bargaining process. Now, stopping check-off deduction is no longer an option. Because of this decision, unions retain continuity of dues payments which provide necessary funding for their day to day operations.